Отчет о туре в это место, который протекает прямо сейчас. Результаты вчерашнего дня всех 4 лодок:
The first day at Ashmore reef in flat calm conditions is something everyone
on board will long remember. Quite simply the most GT's I've ever seen
anywhere. I won't say it was the best fishing ever, but it had to be close.
From a guides perspective it was just too easy, drift over the shoals all
day and just watch as literally thousands of GT's just kept attacking the
lures. They did not get shy or spooked because there were just so many fish
around, they just kept attacking lures all day. The fish in the morning were
all between 25-30kg, with plenty of bigger ones seen, and the biggest landed
around 40kg. The guys must have caught at least 30 GT's by lunch and then
they wanted to jig for doggies for a few hours. The jigging was also
awesome, with every drift producing a huge hookup, a howling run and a
demolition in the reef. They guys were spooled, busted in the reef and
popped line on about 15 huge fish and stopped nothing. We finished the day
with another GT's session, catching maybe 10 more in half an hour to finish
the day. Truly spectacular, and I am still struggling to believe how good
today was.
First day back at Ashmore was another beautiful day with 0-5 knots of wind
and sunny skies made for another awesome day of fishing. We fished some
pressure edges casting at the patches of fusiliers managing to get some nice
GT's and a few shows from doggys on the surface but no hookup. After lunch
we decided to jig for dogtooth, we found a nice ledge and it was on from the
first drop, double hookup both getting smoked into the reef. This went on
for some time before we managed to get our first on up a 20kg model. For the
rest of the day we got blown away by some serious fish until we managed to
get one up which end turned out to be a monster 35kg Spanish mackerel.
Back out at Ashmore for the last trip of the year and the weather gods
really turned it on for us. Glass out conditions made travel easy and
revealed bait and current on pressure edges all around the reef. The boys
had to do a fair bit of casting for their fish but their efforts were
rewarded with quality GT's, loads of airborne mackerel and a spectacular
doggie attack. Drifting over a deep edge two doggies appeared from nowhere.
A fifty plus model launched clear into the air, about 10 m from the boat,
popper in mouth but missed the hooks. In the glassy conditions we could see
the fish turn in its own body length and come back to finish the job. This
time the hooks stuck and we fought the fish close to the boat. Sadly with a
few turns on the reel to go the hooks pulled. We were devastated but glad to
have witnessed a close quarters attack that will remain with all that were
on the boat forever!!
Starting the day off looking at your reflection as you peer over the side to
rub the sunscreen in your face is definitely a good start to the day no
matter what happens next. Heading north and stumbling apon masses of fish
was the pace for the day. Non stop action all day, with countless triple
hookups, multiple bust offs. The team onboard was seriously testing their
mental and physical capabilities and almost had to prepare themselves
manually before the next cast. This has to be some of the most mind blowing
action one can experience on the water.....